Powerlifting is a strength discipline that includes 3 lifts, the Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. In a competition setting, the lifters only get 3 attempts in each discipline. In order for a lift to be deemed “successful”, the lifter must bring each lift to completion, while satisfying the 3 Referees by staying within the rules of competition. The heaviest successful attempts in each lift are added together to create a “Total”. The lifter with the highest total wins.

One of the great things about powerlifting is that this is an activity that can be started in your youth or could be started as a senior. One can powerlift and strength train as a competitive athlete or they can train to compete only against themselves working to beat their own personal records and to gain the many benefits that come with powerlifting & strength training mind, body, and spirit. At Bridge City Barbell we welcome all to become a part of our community.


When it comes to competing and bringing your best performance to fruition on the platform, having a coach is critical. On meet day, there are a lot of distractions around for a lifter. One can easily lose focus in the middle of the competition, get pushed to the side in the warmup room, and lose track of where you are in your flight. Making sure you have an idea of what to expect is a must. When it comes to actually compete on the platform, the lifter has 1 job, and 1 job only, and that’s to focus on the lifting and make successful attempts. Having a coach and a team behind you will ensure you are focused solely on lifting and ensuring that you’re executing to your fullest ability.

We start our coaching process with an in-depth Questionnaire to gather relevant data about an athlete. Our goal is always to collaborate with the clientele, and create a plan that suits the goals by meeting the needs of their competition schedule, their long-term athletic plans, their experience level, and, most importantly, their daily lives. The best training plan–is the one that the athlete can adhere to, based on their career, daily living, and lifestyle. Creating a training plan that is just too much for the athlete to handle, only sets both athlete and coach up for failure.


We work with athletes of all experience levels and require only dedication and good consistent communication. We require a weekly check-in from athletes, answering all questions so that we can make any changes to the next week of training. Following the Check-in, the athlete will receive their next week of training from their coach. Together, this consistent communication with coaches allows us to help our athletes have the best chance at progress either toward competition or to continue getting stronger in the gym. 


We welcome all types of lifters, from those new to resistance training, to those who have been in the game for years.

If you’ve never trained specifically for strength before or are looking to get into a new sport, we can help create an effective plan that will set you up for success long term. We will help to maximize the efficiency of technique in all lifts, improve training effectiveness, and decrease the chances of injury occurring. If you are taking the competitive route, planning, and creating a strategy that will set you up for success on the platform is imperative.

Never, should you go into a meet not knowing the rules, and not having a plan of action to follow based on how the meet is unfolding. The only thing an athlete needs to focus on come game day is making lifts.